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Why is it important to segregate your clothes before machine washing?

Post By Admin

It is always easy to shove a huge pile of all the laundry inside the washing machine together. It is the simplest way to get them washed and cleaned in one go. But, by doing this you might be risking your delicate clothes. This might end up damaging the fabric of your clothing, leaving then faded and withered. Your clothes require special care and attention. So, it is always better to be safe and secure than sorry. Besides sorting clothes takes like 10 minutes of your time and saves you lots of trouble. This helps to extend the life of your garments. Being aware of an appropriate way of doing so, makes the job easy.  Let us help you guide on how to easily sort your laundry without any hassle-

  1. Remove the delicate clothes from the pile first.

Delicate clothes require special care. To avoid damaging them it is always essential to read the care label and warning signs carefully before washing them. For instance, dresses with embellishments tend to get ruined when washed with another laundry. Some delicate clothes require to be only dry cleaned.

  1. Separate your clothes according to their color.

Certain clothes bleed color and this can ruin your entire batch of laundry clothes. To prevent this from happening it is important to first remove the whites from the rest of the pile. Always make separate piles of the dark-colored and light-colored garments. Furthermore, while doing your laundry always use Zohra Nirmal Udyog's Give Lite Washing Powder or Chamakdar Detergent Powder to be doubly secured. With its anti-dye transfer technology, the washing powder prevents your clothes from color bleeding.

  1. Deal with stained and soiled clothes first.

Stained or soiled clothes require pre-treating. Washing them with other garments might damage the other clothing items. Before starting your cycle of laundry, pre-treating the garment that has a stain or spots, so that you can put them back in whichever category they belong for a wash cycle in the machine. When treating soiled clothes, it is better to wash them separately. We suggest you opt for Give Lite Washing Powder or Chamakdar Detergent Powder, as it is a specialist when it comes to machine wash.

  1. Consider the fabric weight.

Not just color, but the weights of your garments need to be considered too while separating your laundry. Different fabrics with different textures can tear the fabric of other delicate or light garments. It is also tough to dry garments with different fabric weights together, as the light ones tend to get dried sooner than the heavy ones.

We hope these sorting tips will be helpful for your next laundry cycle.

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